Sunday, October 25, 2015

Training Journal 10/19-10/25

Running the Klickitat Trail on Tuesday

Monday, October 19 - Sunday, October 25, 2015: This week I headed out to the Cascades to do some scouting on the Bigfoot 200 course and to climb Mt. Adams. In the process I got a lot of night running in, something I want to continue to do in preparation for HURT100. The trip included lots of driving, unfortunately. This week cumulated a whole 40 days of no drinking! I've had no alcohol for more than a month now and I've been feeling great as well as getting closer to race weight. Next week I'm looking forward to sticking around Bham and getting in massive amounts of yoga and getting more sleep. I've been staying up too late in general and Sunday I felt very tired most the day. Sleep is so key when I'm gearing up my training!  
Climbing Mt. Adams with River on Wednesday 

Monday: 1hr yoga in West Seattle. Long drive down to Mt. Adams.

Tuesday: 18 mi with 4300 gain & 4300 loss on Klickitat 7 Trail. With a heavy pack. Tough route. Ran several hours in dark. 

Wednesday: 15 miles, 5000 ft ascent/5000 descent. Climb up Mt Adams. Ran several hours in dark. Carried heavy pack for training. 

Thursday: 1hr 15 min yoga. 7 mile run. 800 ft ascent in Bellingham. CU*

Friday: 1hr 15 min yoga. 1 hr bike ride, indoors. CU

Saturday: 1hr 15 min yoga AM. 3 mile run in AM N. Chuckanut. 7mile run in PM (in the dark) around Sehome Hill. 1100 ft ascent. 1 hr indoor bike. CU 

Sunday: 15 miles in the Chuckanut Mtns with ~3000ft of climbing/3000 of descent. Legs felt very tired. 2 hr bike indoors in PM. CU

Running 65 miles with 14,200 ft ascent
Yoga 4hrs 45min 
Indoor biking: 4hrs

*CU: Core & Upper body workout focusing on push-ups, yoga sit-ups, and other core work. Usually 15min-30min
Camping out Monday and Tuesday. 

Carrying a large pack Tuesday and Wednesday for training. 

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  1. Very nice. That would require a lot of snicker bar consumption on my part.

  2. You've got a really great blog Candice. Oodles of interesting, inspiring info. I wanted to ask, how do you determine your optimal race weight?


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